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Monday, November 16, 2009

Fight for Preemies

I found out about participating in this event from another blogger. I felt compelled to join this cause. I was a preemie; not a micro-preemie but I was a preemie. I have stopped wondering if my being a preemie caused me to be infertile.

But, back to the cause at hand. Too many babies are born too soon. Too many parents suffer, watching and waiting while their new born is in the NICU. Too many parents leave the hospital with out their babies. Some babies are left in the hospital where new parents sit next to an incubator, praying their baby gets to come home. Other's leave the hospital with no baby, only to go home to plan a funeral.

I admit, I don't know what it is like to be pregnant, or give birth to a preemie. I can't fathom what my own mother must have felt as once again one of her babies came to soon. I know that any mother who gives birth to a preemie once dreads doing so again. I know my own mother did not want to leave the hospital while one of her babies was staying behind.

While struggling with infertility for the last four years, I always feared that I too may one day give birth to a preemie. It is a fate, almost a double whammy that I would not wish upon any woman. I know that every mother with a preemie struggles to understand just what went wrong and why their baby was born to soon. I know many preemie mothers curse and damn their bodies for failing their baby.

Today is a day to remember the struggle each preemie baby and family must endure. Keep these babies and families in your thoughts and prayers.


nancy said...

Thanks for the reminder.

MoD Lilliam said...

Thank you for supporting the March of Dimes in the fight for preemies and for raising awareness about the cause.