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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Can't win for losing...

Today, I posted a "house rules" white board. The rules were simple; things such as pee in the toilet not all over the place, no wine glasses in the sink, wipe the stove after you use it, no tools on the counter. You know, the basic clean up after yourself type things. I spent all day cleaning bathrooms and pee off the floor, wiping kitchen counters, cleaning the stainless steel and what not. Needless to say, by the time I really got to sit down, I was tired and sore from my workout yesterday.

I was recently met with the news that our guests* are depressed by my house rules. These rules were aimed at the house and ALL the people living in it. Now, I am not perfect but I will bet my last dollar that it is not me peeing on the floor. But, I digress. This news just got me irritated to say the least. All I am asking for is some common courtesy.

I should add that I am a semi-neat freak. Mess truly stresses me out. I hate having a messy house. And, as we (and by we, I mean IVF'ers) all know, stress and IVF don't mix. IVF is already physically and emotionally stressful. I feel justified in asking my household in helping me lower my stress. I even made a note of this on my house rules board.

So, after thinking about it, I realize that I should give up. If I ask for help, I am given this look like I just asked someone to scrub the toilet with their toothbrush. If I ask for simple tasks like, please put the toilet seat down (another house rule), I am a nag. If I make a list, I make people depressed. I should mention that I RRRREEEEAAAALLLYYY hate the look I get when I ask for help beyond opening a jar or reaching something down for me. I can't win for losing.

*I am not sure how to refer to out house guests since they are more then guests. I view them as members of the house. I have complained to Scott about this before (the whole I wish the guests would help clean up) and he has explained that I should just say something. I have asked but I get met with that look. It's like I just kicked their injured cat or something look. Man, I really hate that look.

Edited: Now everyone is tip-toeing around me. Heaven forbid the moody girl might come up with some more devastating house rules like wipe your feet before you come into the house. GMAB! I still think that I should NOT have had to hold every ones hand and explain my point of view. I feel as if my explaining that all I am asking is to use a little common sense and clean up after your self is insulting to the household members and a big waste of my time. This list was really basic and the only person who took it like a champ (and even got a laugh out of it) was DSS. Even the 14 year old kid understood what I was asking for. I guess ultimately, I will have to apologize for dare suggesting we put some rules in place to keep the house a little but cleaner. :(


elephantscanremember said...

That is totally unfair to you. Perhaps you ask them to help you out or chip in to hire a maid service. You're not the only one there. Why should you be the only one to clean?!


Allison said...

Absolutely. I'd tell them they can either pitch in and help keep the place clean, or split the cost of a maid.

When I lived in a house with 4 other women, I believe having a maid may have saved our friendships! ;-)