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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Whatever Floats Your Boat

Back from a week long cruise and finally have my land legs back, and now I am on the IVF crazy train.

First things first, the cruise. We (Scott and his family) took a week long cruise to Alaska. While I would not recommend NCL for a cruise, but Alaska is beautiful! We stopped in Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan. We also stopped in Prince Ruppert, Canada. Nothing too exciting there but it was nice to say that I walked in Canada. Canada, eh?!

I really thought I would have a lot more to say about this cruise but amazingly, I don't. Odd.

I am been in a real funk lately. I know it is directly related to my upcoming IVF. This is my last chance. My last chance of getting pregnant. My last chance to have a child of my own. I won't hold out hope that I can be one of those women who get their miracle after all this time of trying.

Ok, add the IVF funk to the fact that once again my house is a mess and it makes for a grumpy and funky me. I need to get my booty back to the gym and get those endorphins pumping. Then, do a serious shopping trip so I can finish up Scott's birthday shopping. After that, I need to take a can of whip ass out and whip this house clean. Ok, cleaning does not make me feel better but chilling in a clean house sure does. Gosh, I wonder how long it will be before the boys get it that I expect them to clean their bathroom. Maybe I should do it myself and put the rugs back and the rug on top of the toilet seat. Muuuuuhhahahahaha!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am not sure how I am holding up. I had a few moments of sadness and threatend tears but no crying yet. I sorta viewed my FET like a IUI. I went into my FET, esp. after finding out that 1 out the 3 survived with caution. I knew it could work but I also kept in m mind that it may not work.

Onto IVF #2. Wow...whoda thunk it?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sad day for hockey fans

Hockey fans today got the heart breaking news that Jeremy Roenick retired. He will be missed. I would write a long commentary about him but to be honest real tears will flow from my eyes.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Inspiration Award

Sherry at My3Doggies nominated me for this award. First of all, I would like to give a big hug and thank you to Sherry. I believe she is such a wonderful person and feel her blog deserves this award. Every time I read her blog, I smile with her, cry for her and wish I knew her in real life. Sherry, thank you!

I am going to pass this award onto the Infertility Warrior, Barb at Fertility Challanged in Fl. and Dee at I'm Not Ashamed. I am not linking these blogs to respect their privacy. These ladies are wonderful bloggers, wonderful people and great inspirations.

Hee, bet you were all expecting a FET update. I don't have one. ET went fine, transferred one 3day 8 celled embryo. Now in the dreaded 2WW until my beta. I want to know either way since we are going on a cruise a few days after my beta. I don't know how I feel I right now. I alternate between thinking positive, not thinking about it at all to thinking completely negative.